E3AI Summer School

Image by JonathanRieder from Pixabay

NaMLab is co-organizing the Energy efficient embedded artificial intelligence (E3AI) Summer School, held from June 19th – June 23rd, 2023 in Bordeaux, France.

The E3AI summer school is open to second year Master students, doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, researchers and professionals with an interest in embedded artificial intelligence, deep learning, neuromorphic computing, natural language processing, spintronics and 6G communications.

Course content will address the consequent skill gap between embedded technology and deep learning applications, and will equip participants with the interdisciplinary knowledge and skills needed to develop innovative circuit architectures and execute data intensive applications on resource-constrained devices.

Registration Deadline is March 31th 2023.

More information is available online: https://bss-e3ai.u-bordeaux.fr/en/

This summer school is supported by three H2020 European projects (www.fvllmonti.eu, https://www.radiospin.eu/, and https://www.hermes-h2020project.eu/), and is co-organized with the Green AI (GrAI) chair in artificial intelligence in Bordeaux.